When feeling overwhelmed, it’s essential to identify what’s holding you back and what motivates you to make changes. Understanding your barriers and focusing on your “why” can give you the clarity and drive you need to take action.

Common Barriers:

Finding Your "Why":

Your "why" is the deep, personal reason for wanting to make a change. It’s what will motivate you when things get tough.


Action Tip:

Write down one or two barriers that you feel are preventing you from starting your health journey, and find ways to address these barriers. Then, write your "why" - your personal reason for wanting to live a healthier life.

For example:

“I tried dieting before and I’m scared of failing again. This time, I will focus on small but sustainable changes”.

"I want to feel more energized so I can be more productive in my business / career and spend more quality time with my family.”

Post your "why" somewhere visible to remind yourself of your purpose.
