The Nutrition Program is for you if:

  1. You are looking to lose / gain weight and improve your body composition. We can work together to help you lose lose fat or gain muscle mass (or both!). You may have struggled to achieve your goals on your own or may be looking for professional guidance and support to make sustainable lifestyle changes.
  2. You have health conditions that require medical nutrition therapy: If you have high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, high uric acid and other similar conditions, we can work together to manage your condition through diet and lifestyle changes.
  3. You are an athlete or fitness enthusiast: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often have specific nutritional needs to support their training and performance goals. We can work together to optimize your nutrition and help you achieve your athletic and/or fitness goals.

This program is not for you if:

  1. You are not willing to make changes at the moment: The KainPo nutrition coaching program requires a commitment to making positive changes to one's diet and lifestyle. If you are not motivated to make these changes or if your are not comfortable with monitoring and feedback, this program may not be right for you.
  2. You are not open to trying new foods or strategies: The KainPo nutrition coaching program may involve trying new foods, adopting evidence-based nutrition recommendations, and making changes to your dietary and physical activity habits. If it's impossible for you to make these types of changes at this time, this program may not be a good fit for you.
  3. You are looking for a quick fix: The KainPo Nutrition coaching program is focused on making sustainable lifestyle changes that promote long-term health and wellness. If you are looking for a quick fix or if you prefer a certain fad diet, this program may not be a good fit.
  4. You have severe medical conditions: While nutrition can play an important role in managing many medical conditions, individuals with severe or complex medical conditions may require specialized medical care that goes beyond my scope as a dietitian/nutrition coach.
  5. You have a mental health / eating disorder: While I can play a supportive role in the recovery process for individuals with eating disorders, these may require specialized treatment from a licensed mental health professional who has expertise in this area.

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Please take this Nutrition Coaching Readiness Assessment Test to know if this program is right for you.
