If You Are Feeling Overwhelmed and Unsure of Where to Begin on Your Health Journey

Whether it’s confusion about nutrition, lack of confidence in making lasting changes, or fear of failure, these feelings can prevent you from taking that first step.

This guide will help you understand where you currently are in your journey and provide clear, actionable guidance to move forward confidently.

Identify Your Stage of Change

Understanding where you are in your health journey helps you tailor your actions and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Reflection Exercise: Which stage are you in?


Action Tip: Take a moment to reflect on where you see yourself in these stages. Take note of your stage and use it in the following exercises to determine how to start and move forward. 👇


Pre-contemplation Stage

Explore Your Relationship with Food

Contemplation and Preparation Stage

Address Barriers and Find Your "Why"

Start Small and Build Confidence